Community Day Overview
Saturday, April 6, 2019
UC Uptown Campus West
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to UC Community Day! The free event features continental breakfast, a morning of engaging education sessions, an interactive open house, and an evening light show.
The first 1,000 pre-registered participants who check in on Saturday, April 6 will receive a limited edition Bicentennial SWAG bag, as well as a $5 food voucher. (Food voucher valid at select locations on campus on Saturday, April 6 from 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM)
Check-In Locations:
- 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Zimmer Hall, near the Zimmer Auditorium (Room 400)
- 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM: Tangeman University Center, Atrium (TUC)
- 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM: Bearcat Commons Lawn
Be sure to check in for your free SWAG Bag! (While supplies last.)
Parking: Complimentary parking available at Campus Green Garage (as capacity allows). Overflow parking available in Woodside garage for $5.00.
Kickoff & Breakfast Panel
- Time: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. (Doors open at 8:00 a.m. for complimentary breakfast.)
- Title: What is Boldly Bearcat
- Presenters: Shakila Ahmad, Eric Broyles, and Leigh Fox; moderated by Dianne Dunkelman
- Room: Zimmer Hall, Auditorium (Room 400)
Join us for a complimentary continental breakfast and an inspirational panel discussion with a few UC Foundation Board of Trustee members and proud alums of the University of Cincinnati. In honor of one of the Bicentennial books titled, In Service to the City, by David Stradling, we will hear each panelist’s uniquely Boldly Bearcat story, the role that UC has played in his or her life, and how UC has shaped their careers, leadership styles and desire to make an impact on the lives of present and future Bearcats.
Breakout Session One - 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Session 1A: Meet & Greet with the Boldly Bearcat Panelists
- Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Presenters: Shakila Ahmad, Eric Broyles, Leigh Fox, and Dianne Dunkelman
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 516
Following the morning breakfast panel, join business leaders Shakila Ahmad, Eric Broyles and Leigh Fox for a smaller sit-down discussion about their journey from student to #boldlybearcat alum and gain insight into the future of their respective industries.
Session 1B: Highlights of Current UC Business Research
- Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Presenters
- Mike Eriksen: Helping America Age-in-Place
- Suzanne Masterson: Trading Spaces: The Effect of Physical Workspace Design on Workplace Relationships
- Mehmet Saglam: Liquidity Regimes and Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation
- Heather Vough: Wearing Multiple Hats: How Employees Find Authenticity and Multiplicity
- Jaime Windeler: Shaping Impressions with Social Media
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 608
Learn how The Carl H. Lindner College of Business is changing the world around us. Join us as five professors from the Carl H. Lindner College of Business present five-minute lightning round overviews of their recent research, followed by Q&A with the audience. This is an opportunity to hear these faculty members translate their cutting-edge research for a non-academic audience.
Session 1C: Legal Assistance for Entrepreneurs & Startups: Using Community Partnerships to Maximize Learning & Impact
- Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Presenter: Lew Goldfarb
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 800
The Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic (ECDC) at Cincinnati Law will host a panel discussion to teach entrepreneurs how ECDC partners with business accelerators, local law firms and government agencies to bring free legal help to the Greater Cincinnati community. The ECDC has assisted many local businesses find success - find out what programs are available for your business and how ECDC can help.
Session 1D: Why is the Cincinnati Region an Epicenter of US Manufacturing?
- Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Presenter: Aaron Burdette
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 808
Learn the fascinating role that the University of Cincinnati has played in the local manufacturing economy, and where we’re going from here. As the founding institution of cooperative education, the University of Cincinnati understands the influence that over 100 years of workforce preparation has had on our region. Learn about the economic impact that this premiere program has had over time, and how it has shaped the manufacturing industry near and far.
Session 1E: Workshop with a Preservationist: A Hands-on Creation of Book Structures
- Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Presenter: Holly A. Prochaska
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 508
Participate in a hands-on activity to create a small book. There are two structures that participants can make, one is perfect for young children, the other is appropriate for teens and adults. The content for the book participants will make was created by the Preservation Lab at the University of Cincinnati Libraries, and focuses on history of the book.
Session 1F: UC Health presents Stop the Bleed Life-Saving Training
- Time: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Presenter: Gina Menninger
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 809
Learn skills that will empower you to act quickly and save lives. The Stop the Bleed program builds national resilience by teaching the public life-saving bleeding control techniques to aid individuals in a variety of situations. This campaign targets preparedness as a shared responsibility of the government, private and nonprofit sectors and individual citizens. Brought to you by UC Health’s Division of Trauma and Special Critical Care. Registrants must be 18+ years of age.
Breakout Session Two - 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Session 2A: Three Minute Thesis (Because an 80,000 word thesis would take 9 hours to present)
- Time: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Presenters:
- Kim Hartley, Nursing Research, PhD: Greening Neighborhoods to Eliminate Health Disparities
- Maryam Alsameen, Physics, PhD: Neuronal Activation in Working Memory Induced by Chronic Sleep Restriction in Adolescents
- Ryan Donald Gaffney, Business Administration (Marketing), PhD: Uncertainty within Self: The Impact of Subjective Uncertainty in Marketing
- Smruti Deoghare, Biomedical Informatics, PhD: Can Computers See?
- Kaitlin Hart, Pharmacology and Systems Physiology, PhD: Understanding Anti-Mullerian Hormone
- Ayusman Dash, Cancer and Cell Biology, PhD: The Role of PRPS1 Upstream Open Reading Frame in Anti-Cancer Therapy
- Xenia Davis, Molecular, Cellular and Biochemical Pharmacology, PhD: The Role of Apolipoprotein A-V in Chylomicron Metabolism
- Emma Neybert, Business Administration (Marketing), PhD: Do We Need All the Answers? Defining Anticipation and the Mediation of Curiosity for Positive Experiences
- Radhika Prabhakar, Electrical Engineering, PhD: Wearable Thermoelectrics: Powering Smart Devices through Human Body Heat
- Yash Dawda, Information Systems, MS: Voting on Blockchain
- Rupal Jain, Biological Sciences, MS: Understanding DNA Repair Pathways in Hyperthermophilic Microorganism Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
- Sarah Li, Biomedical Engineering, MS: Tongue Tells: Speech Therapy with Simpler Ultrasound Feedback
- Zhaoran Liu, Design, MDes: How Can We Promote Sustainable Tourism Behaviors Change through Persuasive Design?
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 800
The mission of research universities like UC is not only to educate students, but also to produce new knowledge. Graduate students, in particular, play a role in this part of the university’s mission, whether they work in libraries or laboratories. Come hear some of UC’s advanced-degree candidates present their groundbreaking research in three-minute chunks geared toward a non-specialist audience. Come see what truly makes UC a tier-one research university and not simply an educational institution.
Session 2B: Provide & Protect Estate Planning Seminar
- Time: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Presenter: Danny Ferrell
- Room: A&S Hall, Room 250
Should you have a will or a trust? Who is a good guardian for your children? How can you preserve assets for your loved ones? Plan for your future Now! Learn how to provide & protect your family through this seminar. Participants receive a complimentary Wills Planner Guide.
Session 2C: Sneak Peek of Blind Injustice: An Opera About Six Ohio Innocence Project Exonerees
Session 2D: What Makes a Rare Book Rare?
- Time: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Presenter: Kevin Grace
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 616
Have you ever wondered about how books are determined to be rare? This presentation answers that question and more- how rare books are used in the classroom and in research- as well as providing a look at Cincinnati’s literary heritage. You can also bring along a personal book to find out more about it.
Breakout Session Three - 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Session 3A: Food & Culture in Romance and Arabic Languages
- Time: 11:20 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. (please note special time for this session)
- Presenter: Nuria R. López-Ortega
- Room: Film Studies and Media Room, Old Chem Building, Room 701
This special session on Food and Culture is part of the 39th Conference on Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures, held on campus April 5-6, 2019. The presenters will talk about the social, cultural, and political aspects of food and gastronomy from multiple local and global perspectives.
Session 3B: Suicide 101: Training to Save Lives
- Time: 11:45 a.m - 12:30 p.m.
- Presenter: Jennifer Wright-Berryman
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 808
Suicide rates continue to rise each year, causing a public health alarm. Many of us feel helpless in being able to combat the issues that lead to suicidal thinking. In fact, we are all the hope to reduce suicide rates, as it will take us getting collectively activated to provide the connectedness and caring that will build the safety net for those who feel lost and in despair. Learn what you can do to be part of the solution.
Session 3C: Empowering the Next Generation of Women Leaders: Learning to Communicate with Confidence
- Time: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m
- Presenter: Jane Ziegler Sojka
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 809
Learn to build resiliency, increase confidence, and overcome your fear of failure. This experiential mini-workshop is a sampling of activities used in UC’s Women in Sales class (MKTG 3001). In this interactive session, participants will learn and practice communication skills that convey credibility. Confidence is a learned skill that improves with practice. Join us to learn more.
Session 3D: Communiversity: How Non-Credit, Adult Educational Programming Connects UC to the Community
- Time: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m
- Presenter: Janet Staderman
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 516
Communiversity offers convenient and innovative classes designed to boost your career and enrich your life. The classes are non-credit, informal and fun with online and face-to-face options at times that fit your schedule. Their programming provides an opportunity for adults to learn, connect with others, and have fun in the process. With a passion to cultivate lifelong learners through high-quality educational opportunities, Communiversity provides exceptional customer service.
In this session, Janet Staderman, Program Director, will talk about some of the programs. She will be accompanied by a current student, who will share what they love about the classes; and an instructor, who will share why they like to teach for Communiversity. Expand Your World, Learn Something New!
Session 3E: Owning a Culture of Respect
- Time: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m
- Presenter: Matt Olovson
- Room: Swift Hall, Room 608
In this interactive session, participants will: agree to a working definition of respect, assess perceptions and experiences of in the workplace, identify individual and shared values, share personal reflections on respectful and disrespectful behavior, and explore strategies to address disrespectful behavior in the workplace.
Special Session - 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m
The Magic of Cosmetic Chemistry Workshop (For Students Grades 9-12)
- Presenter: Dr. Harshita Kumari
- Location: East Campus: Medical Science Building (MSB), Room E801C (near Subway entrance). Street address is 231 Albert Sabin Way.
We invite your high school students (grades 9-12) to join us! This free science enrichment program creates a blended learning environment that advances stem education in a positive way through a hands-on practice of producing creams, lotions, shampoos and gels. Sponsored by the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy. Special registration required for this session. In order to complete registration for this session, participants will need to send back a signed liability waiver and photo release. Space is limited, so apply early. Deadline to register is March 31.
For questions, please contact Karen.Henry@uc.edu or call 513-558-6172
Evening Breakout Session - 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m
Session 4: The Geography of Wine in New Zealand
- Presenter: Nicholas Dunning
- Room: Bearcat Commons Lawn (MOMENTUM Festival Tent)
Gain a brief introduction to modern academic geography as well as the activities of UC's faculty abroad. This session will focus on the geography of New Zealand wine, including a few samples. Participants must be age 21 or older to attend. Valid identification will be required as proof of age.
Afternoon Open House and Interactive Displays
Activities Open 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Food Trucks will be in the Bearcat Commons area from 11:30 – 2:00 pm. Food vouchers (provided to the first 1,000 registrants who check-in) may be used at the food trucks. Food will also be available for purchase.
4 Paws for Ability at UC: Meet Campus Service Dogs in Training
Location: TUC, Room 300 (Lounge)
The mission of 4 Paws for Ability at UC is to train service dogs, plan and engage in opportunities to raise funds, educate the public about service animals and the services they provide, and provide volunteering opportunities to students in the organization. Presented by 4 Paws for Ability at UC.
Additive Manufacturing
Location: TUC, Room 417
Have you been hearing a lot about additive manufacturing or 3D printing in the media lately? Come see what all the hype is about and learn how to get involved in the related research, education, and outreach activities ongoing at UC. Presented by Dr. Ashley Paz y Puente, the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Advancement & Transitions Services
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Stop by and learn more about the services offered by Advancement & Transitions Services (ATS). ATS fosters quality of life experiences for people with disabilities through innovative research, education and service. ATS believes that all people have the right to access meaningful, inclusive opportunities to live dignified and fulfilled lives. Presented by the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services.
Athletics Track & Field Oliver Nikoloff Invitational
Location: Gettler Stadium. Please note this event is from 10:00 a.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Cheer on the Bearcats at the Track & Field Oliver Nikoloff Invitations! Admission is free. More details and schedule of events here.
Aqualibrium Demonstration from Environmental Engineering
Location: TUC, Room 417
Cincinnati has for 150 years been an incubator of innovation in environmental engineering. Residents should be proud of this history! Come see what we’re doing in air quality, water quality, and climate change adaptation both locally and around the world. Presented by Dr. Patrick A Ray, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Bearcats Motorsports Competition Cars
Location: TUC, Room 423
Learn more about UC’s Formula SAE team. FSAE is a collegiate design competition sanctioned by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). The competition challenges students to budget, design, build, test, and race a formula-style racecar. Presented by Michael Mains, Chemical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Brown-Bag Health Fair presented by the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
The UC College of Pharmacy will be offering a health fair screening on site with pharmacists offering medication reviews, blood pressure checks and blood glucose checks. The public may meet with pharmacists and pharmacy students to review the results of these screening tests to discuss potential follow up and referrals.
CCM: Family Friendly Crafts for Dance and Music Making
Location: CCM Atrium
Show your Bearcat pride by moving and shaking to the bearcat beat! Using simple recycled objects, make a bearcat shaker and a ribbon stick. Faculty and students will get you on your feet and put a smile on your face! Presented by Amy Dennison, Associate Director of Preparatory, Director of Education for Preparatory & Community Engagement, College-Conservatory of Music.
Campus Recreation Center Tours and Climbing Wall
Location: UC Campus Recreation Center (enter the main entrance off of MainStreet)
Come tour UC’s state-of-the-art recreational facilities and try out the indoor climbing wall (all equipment included) from noon- 1 p.m.
Cincinnati History: An 1819 Map Exploration
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
As part of the History of Cincinnati course offered here at the University of Cincinnati, students explored an 1819 map of Cincinnati originally published in Oliver Farnsworth’s 1819 city directory. Students were each assigned a specific location on the map and independently conducted research on the location. Locations included business, factories, churches, schools, breweries, graveyards, Native American earthworks, as well as many others. Most of these places have changed significantly since 1819, and many do not even exist in today’s Cincinnati. All the research was then compiled into an interactive website experience, which allows people to select the individual points on the 1819 map and see their descriptions and history. This presentation is a guided tour through this interactive experience, organized and led by the students who created it. This presentation provides insight into the state of Cincinnati in the university’s founding year and will help alumni and students connect the past to the city we know so well.
College of Nursing: Presentation of Capstone Projects
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Come learn about how UC College of Nursing students helped educate staff nurses on the use of medical marijuana and implemented a clinical practice guideline on obesity inside an already existing internal medicine practice.
D | A | A | P Cares
Location: Third Floor Atrium of DAAP
See a showcase of projects where DAAP disciplines are used to further humanitarian causes and generate solutions for communities in need.
Diversity of Native and Non-Native Earthworms
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Research identifying earthworm species in the Cincinnati area with a special focus on detecting the presence of species that have recently been invading from Asia. Presented by Dr. Patrick C. Owen, Biology Department at UC Blue Ash.
Fun with Chemistry!
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Geared towards children and the young at heart, this will be a collection of interactive demonstrations and activities highlighting the fun and excitement of chemistry. Presented by Dr. Matthew DeMatteo and Dr. Melinda Greer, Chemistry Department at UC Blue Ash
Greece, Rome and the Making of Cincinnati
Location: Blegen Library, 4th Floor
The exhibition “Greece, Rome, and the Making of Cincinnati” explores the influence of Greek and Roman world on the people and the city of Cincinnati — including its name, culture, literature, and cityscape. In addition to the exhibition, the Department of Classics will put on display parts of its study collection, including authentic materials from ancient Greece such as bronze objects, pottery, coins, and figurines. Stop by to see the objects, hold them in your own hands, and travel in time with experts in the field! Presented by Daniel Markovich, Department of Classics in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Guided Tours: Exploring Biology from Bottom to Top
Location: meet in Zimmer Plaza (20 minute walking tour from Zimmer Plaza up to the top of Rieveschl Hall)
The Department of Biological Sciences invites community members to join us for a self-guided tour of the department from Zimmer Plaza to the top of Rieveschl Hall, where our new greenhouse facility sits. Visitors will have the chance to interact with our world-renowned scientists, and learn about the latest scientific stories emerging from their labs, from Dr. Takuya Konishi’s work on ancient mosasaurs to Dr. Annie Rowe’s work on how microbes “eat” and “breathe”, and from Dr. Theresa Culley’s work on plant conservation genetics to Dr. Patrick Guerra’s research on long-distance migration in Monarch butterflies. Over a dozen labs will showcase their latest work on everything from fish to fossils and jumping spiders to snakes! The self-guided tour will also bring visitors through our new state-of-the-art greenhouse facility on top of Rieveschl Hall before returning them to Zimmer Plaza.
Meet & Greet with UC Public Safety
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Stop by TUC Atrium for giveaways, and to meet some police officers from UC Public Safety. Presented by UC Public Safety.
Meyers Gallery: Displays of Abstract Art from Around the Nation
Location: The Meyers Gallery housed in the Steger Student Life Center (located on Main Street across from Nippert Stadium)
A guided tour of the exhibition: Inquiry. Featuring work by artists from around the nation who celebrate abstraction through powerful use of form and color. Robinson will illuminate visitors on the meaning of abstract art, and will comment on the community of creatives that are represented in the exhibition. Presented by Emil J. Robinson at the School of Design, DAAP.
Nanoworld Lab Portable Demo Unit
Location: TUC, Room 415
A demonstration unit that illustrates low power, lightweight and flexible heaters. This setup consists of several heaters incorporated into apparels, power supply and infrared cameras visualizing the heating in action. Presented by Dr. Vesselin N. Shanov, Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Oesper Collections in the History of Chemistry
Location: Rieveschl Building, Room 520 (History of Chemistry Museum)
See items on display from the Department of Chemistry. The Department was founded in 1874 and one of its most notable faculty is George Rievschl, the inventor of Benadryl. One of The Oesper Collections is a research-level collection containing over 7,000 journals and 10,000 monographs from the late 16th to mid-20th century. Presented by Dr. Elizabeth A. Piocos, Department of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Residence Hall Open House
Participating Locations: Turner, Schneider, Daniels, Dabney, Siddall, Calhoun, Scioto and Stafford.
Did you live on campus back in the day? Ever wonder what your dorm looks like now? This is your chance. Visit a wide variety of campus dorms. Presented by UC Campus Services, UC Undergraduate Admissions and ROAR Tour Guides.
UC Athletics Bearcat Ticket Office
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Come meet with the team from the UC Athletics Bearcats Ticket Office and talk through ticket options and packages for next year!
UC Campus Bookstore
Location: Tangeman Center (TUC)
Stop by the bookstore to grab your Bicentennial branded gear! Also available is a wide selection of UC apparel and other UC branded items. Bookstore is open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Presented by the UC Bookstore and UC Campus Services
UC Game Lab: Play and Test Games
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
The UC Game Lab assists with the teaching, research, and promotion of games and playable media at the University of Cincinnati. Participants will get to play both games designed by UC students as well as equipment that the Lab provides. Presented by Dr. Evan Torner, Director, UC Game Lab (and Undergraduate Director of German Studies at the College of Arts and Sciences).
UC Keepsake Display
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
See a diverse representation of UC memorabilia and collectives from a private collection. Presented by Colonel Ron Ferrier.
Virtual Reality Experiences
- 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. University Pavilion, 3rd floor
- 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tangeman University Center, Atrium
While on campus, be sure to visit one of the virtual reality stations. Walk through UC’s history through a series of immersive virtual reality experiences developed by UC’s own Center for Simulations and Virtual Environments Research. A truly student-centered effort, the VR installations feature the work, from concept to completion, of students from the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP); the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services’ School of Information Technologies; The College of Engineering and Applied Science; and the Lindner College of Business. The booth's design and coordination was directed by the Office of Planning + Design + Construction with participation from DAAP students.
Zero-Waste Approach to Upcycle
Location: Tangeman Center, Atrium (TUC)
Come see how Associate Professor Mingming Lu from the Department of Environmental Engineering and her team turn spent coffee grounds (SCG) into Biodiesel and Biochar through a patent pending process.
Bearcat Commons | 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
The grand finale of Community Day: a mind-bending media projection experience and party from 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. that Celebrates 200 years of UC Spirit and Pride. This lighting spectacle boldly showcases our unique impact in our community and the world. Live music by The Touchables, giveaways, games, food trucks, and more!
Momentum is a first of its kind for Brave Berlin, the creative force behind Blink and Lumeocity, and is the highest resolution and brightest show they have ever produced. The soundtrack for the show is provided by both a live DJ and The Touchables, who will be matching the show’s tempo.
Food will be available for purchase. Activities begin at 7:30 p.m. The projection show will begin at sunset, around 8:00 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time will the MOMENTUM Light Show begin?
The first light show will begin at dark – sunset on April 6th is approximately 8:06 p.m. The full event runs from 7pm-10pm, and there will be plenty to do before sunset! And besides, you may want to come early to pick the best spot!
What if I cannot arrive by 8pm? Will I miss the show?
The light show will run on continuous loops, and lasts about 17 minutes each loop. If you miss part of one show, catch it on the next loop! Stay as long as you like.
Will there be seating on Bearcat Commons Lawn or should I bring my own?
There will be some seating inside the event tent on Bearcat Commons lawn, as well as some additional seating in the grass with tables. However, to accommodate as many guests as possible, we recommend that attendees please consider bringing their own lawn chairs (and/or blankets) if you expect to stay for a longer period of time
Do I need to register for MOMENTUM?
While not required, we would love to know how many people to expect to properly accommodate all guests. There will be limited quantities of special giveaways to those who pre-register and check in at the event tent.
Where is recommended parking?
Complimentary parking is available at Campus Green Garage (as capacity allows). Overflow parking is available in Woodside Garage for $5.00.
Is there anything else to do that evening while watching the show?
Join us for a glow festival atmosphere! There will be live music, food and beverages for sale, TVs to watch basketball games, a glow-mirror photo booth, games, and plenty of “glow” giveaways.
How do I share my photos?
Please tag your pictures with #UCCommunityDay and #200UC.