CAHS: Chats with 'Cats - Enriching the Student Experience and Future Practice Through Community Engagement
This event is cancelled. Contact Bri Coggins with questions.
Students in the College of Allied Health Sciences are encountering real-world issues and engaging with the community through several initiatives in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, including clinical placements, the creation of a pro bono clinic a the college, and involvement in a new UC Chapter for Universities Fighting World Hunger. Learn more about how the student experience is enhanced by these programs and how you can be involved!
Giving Back
At UC, as students, faculty and staff all continue to adapt and navigate through this time of uncertainty, one thing is clear to us - our college and students need our support now more than ever. Please consider making an additional gift as you complete your registration to support the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences!
Registration Details
Webex Event details will be sent via email to all registrants a few days prior to the event. If you use a Gmail account, please check your Spam folder if you do not receive event information.
Jennifer Theiss
Senior Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Medicine