UC Law Alumni Tailgate 2023
Saturday, Sept. 16
4:30 - 6:30 p.m. - Tailgate
7 p.m. - Kickoff
College of Law Terrace
2925 Campus Green Dr.
Cincinnati, OH
Registration is now closed. Please contact Shelley Johnson with any questions.
Join fellow alumni from the College of Law for a tailgate ahead of the UC Bearcats vs. the Miami Redhawks! Enjoy food and beverages on the Terrace inside the new College of Law building.
A special section will be dedicated to the UC class of 2013 who are celebrating their 10th anniversary!
Cost is $25 per person - includes food and drinks. Deadline to register is Sept. 11.
Game Tickets
If you do not already have a ticket to the game, you can purchase game tickets below with the code UCLAW. Limited tickets remain, only available while supplies last.
Shelley Johnson
Senior Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Law