BEARCATS/Health: Gut Health for Wellness
Wednesday, March 13
Noon - 1 p.m. EST
Online registration for the event is now closed. Please contact Bri Coggins to register and obtain the Zoom link.
Gut health is intricately tied to all areas of wellness. Join us as UC College of Medicine faculty member and alumna Lauri Erway Nandyal, MD shares how to optimize your well-being through improved gut health. Learn more about digestive processes and expand your understanding of the gut-brain connection, learn how to detect common hazards and control inflammation, and connect mindfulness-based stress reduction to improve gut health.
Lauri Erway Nandyal, MD
Dr. Nandyal is a multigenerational Bearcat. She graduated from UC in Biology, then earned her MD at the UC College of Medicine, as well as completing her Family and Community Medicine Residency through UC and the Christ Hospital. She has served at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center for ten years, and has been in private practice for over twenty years, shifting to Integrative Health in 2014. Though her current clinical practice is exclusively with UC students, she continues to teach students across the spectrum, passing the “baton” of health creation to undergraduates through residency, as well as many public forums. With her patients, she looks to apply tools for “root cause analysis,” exploring the unique biology of each individual, their health journey, environment and familial patterns and emphasizing lifestyle. She focuses on components of sleep, mindfulness, connectivity, movement and nutrition, prioritizing gut health and the mind-body connection.
Giving Back
Gifts to the UC Osher Center for Integrative Health support patient care, educational endeavors, and groundbreaking translational and clinical research that could lead to better treatments for the whole person. Please consider making a gift during registration.
Jennifer Theiss
Senior Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Medicine