College of Nursing Tour
Saturday, April 13
9 - 10:15 a.m.
College of Nursing, Procter Hall
3110 Vine St.
Cincinnati, OH
Registration is now closed. Please contact Gage Woolley with any questions.
On Saturday of Alumni Week prior to the Class of 1974/Golden Bearcats Society Brunch, we’re hosting a special student-led tour of our college and simulation lab with Interim Dean Gordon Gillespie. Our building is not a stop on Friday’s main campus tour, so seeing updates to the college will be a highlight. Dr. Gillespie will also attend the brunch and looks forward to visiting with you. We hope you can join us!
Gage Woolley, CAHS '15
Program Director, Alumni Engagement, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services & College of Nursing