
Inclusive Excellence

The UC Alumni Association values unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives – welcoming and leveraging individual contributions to collaborate, create, innovate and compete in a global society. Encouraging a sense of belonging among our 350,000+ alumni world-wide, we aspire toward inclusive excellence by leading with courage and compassion, and treating each other with dignity and respect.

Learn more about the experiences, volunteerism and stories of achievement that promote inclusion within our alumni community.

February: Black History Month

From the day in the early 1870s when William Parham enrolled in the law school at Cincinnati College (which would eventually become the University of Cincinnati) and became the institution’s first Black student, the African American experience at UC has been both extraordinarily challenging and extremely rewarding.

In recognition of this ongoing journey, the indomitable spirit behind it, and the incredible contributions of the Black UC family over the past 150 years, the UC Alumni Association is proud to celebrate Black History Month. The UC Alumni Association plays an active role in helping to share and honor the Black UC story while connecting alumni to their alma mater. This work enriches their lives as Bearcats and helps foster an environment in which future generations of Black students and alumni might thrive.

March: Women's History Month

Ever since Winona Lee Hawthorne became the first female to earn a degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1878, women have built an impressive legacy as Bearcat students and alumnae. Today, women constitute the majority of each graduating class, and their achievements continue to elevate the institution, their communities and their chosen fields.

For these reasons, the UC Alumni Association proudly marks Women’s History Month — celebrating the excellence of the past and present while eagerly anticipating the greatness that lies ahead.

May: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

From the inventor of the Pentium computer chip to one of the world’s premier sculptors, to the innovative coroner who helped create one of the country’s most technologically advanced crime labs, the University of Cincinnati has a rich tradition of achievement by our Asian, Asian-American and Pacific-American alumni.

For this reason, the UC Alumni Association proudly marks Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month — celebrating generations of UC excellence reflected in our past and promised in our future.

June: Pride Month

Fifty-three years ago, members of the LGBTQ community and its allies participated in demonstrations at the Stonewall Inn in New York City, protesting the infringement of their civil rights and unfair treatment by the police. History views that moment as a turning point in the fight for equality for the LGBTQ community, which is why June is celebrated globally as Pride Month.

For this reason, the UC Alumni Association proudly marks Pride Month — celebrating generations of UC excellence reflected in our past and promised in our future.

Sept. 15 - Oct. 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

The UC Alumni Association proudly joins with our Hispanic and Latino Bearcats to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. The full UC success story cannot be told, and would not be so inspiring, without the great contributions of our Hispanic and Latino alumni and students.

The worldwide Hispanic and Latino community includes 20 Spanish-speaking countries as well as such people living elsewhere. UC’s Hispanic Heritage story is particularly compelling — from a Cuban refugee who has helped transform the arts at UC, to a Mexican immigrant who is examining the laws that impact migrant children. They are part of UC’s rich tradition of Hispanic alumni achievement, and there’s a lot more to come.

Nominate a Bearcat

Nominate a Bearcat alumnus for a future heritage or awareness month alumni spotlight.

University of Cincinnati

Ethnic Programs & Services

Equity, Inclusion and Community Impact